• Info@nkf.org.ng
  • +234-(0)807 147 0048

About the Grant

DNS is a critical component of the Internet that has been in use since 1985.

The domain name system (DNS) is one of the most important components of today's Internet and is the standard naming convention between human-readable domain names and machine-routable IP addresses of Internet resources. However, due to the vulnerability of DNS to various threats, its security and functionality have been continuously challenged.

In this regard, NKF will sponsor top research application submissions that meet the requirements and are willing to dedicate their time from research proposal to implementation.


  1. Registry Software Development
  2. DNS Security and Safety Software
  3. Socioeconomic Aspects of the DNS
  4. DNS Policy and Digital Economy
  5. Any other fields related to DNS Applications

Submit Research Proposal

Research Applications for 2024

  • Undergraduate Deadline: -
  • Postgraduate Deadline: -
  • Research Lecturer and PHD student Deadline: -

Applicants must be fully enrolled in any of the recognized universities or institutions in Nigeria and possess commendable results. Research lecturers and PHD students must possess pre-existing research in the field of DNS and are willing to pursue further implementation.

Fellows are expected to present both their theoretical findings and practical applications that work at the end of the research duration. The duration of the research varies according to funding categories.

  • - Undergraduate: 6 – 12 months
  • - Postgraduates: 12 – 24 months
  • - Research Lecturers and PHD students: fewer but not more than 36 months

Eligibility Criteria
At a minimum, you will need to provide the following;

  1. Most recent academic results
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  3. Transcript (if applicable)
  4. Research proposal
  5. Previous research/folio of creative works or achievements
Your Research application must fall under the following category. <
  1. Undergraduate Project
  2. Postgraduate Thesis
  3. Research Lecturer and PHD student Research

  4. If you don’t have verified digital copies of academic documents for prior or current studies and wish to obtain them during your application, you can select "Processing" when requested during your submission. Obtaining verified digital copies of academic documents can help fast-track your application and retain it for use with other applications you wish to make.

    Submit Research Application
    Early application is recommended for a postgraduate research/thesis, as you may be given an early offer by some schools. Late applications may also be accepted if you’re still within the NKF application timeframe. If you're a current student at any accredited Nigerian University, you’ll need to provide a copy of your academic results as part of your application.

    Ensure you apply by the relevant deadline. Check the research/project category you're applying for to find out application due dates before submitting your application.

    Be Accessed and Wait for an Offer
    After you submit your application, you'll receive a confirmation email with your unique application ID and application reference number. If anything is missing from your application, we'll email you.

    Assessment of your application will take approximately 6 - 8 weeks for most postgraduate and PHD research, and fewer weeks for undergraduates depending on the proposed project/topic.

    If you are selected for the any of the grants, we'll email you directly with an offer. If the offer is conditional, you need to meet the offer conditions before accepting it. If you've been sent an unconditional offer, you can choose to accept it immediately.

    Apply for Research Grant
December 17, 2020
Location : Mombasa, Africa

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